Friday, May 26, 2023

Car snatcher arrested

 Why is it difficult for him to work, earn decent wages and may be someday he would be able to buy a better automobile? 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Lagos Traffic.

How are Lagos residents coping with this perennial traffic snarl or hold up?

People spend hours in hold up.

And if you ask them, they will tell you they can't live anywhere except Lagos.

What about the mental stress?

When researchers talk about life expectancy, they have city like Lagos in mind.

Eko oni baje o

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Since 2021, the Zamfara government has closed nearly 75 secondary schools due to unrest.

The children from these schools no longer attend school. The government, in my opinion, should strive to relocate them.

Some of the indigenes  who are enrolled in school in Cyprus confront numerous difficulties. They appear to have been forgotten by the state  government.

Although studying abroad can be quite expensive, it is unfortunate that the government has abandoned these students at this point.

 When will the government open schools that are shut down ?

Bandits now run parallel government. 

This must change!

This must change.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

If I may say so, there were plenty of police officers throughout the long stretch of road.

Police officers were scattered throughout the road, stopping automobiles at random for inspection. Just by being present along the route, they would dissuade criminal activity.

Every other road that has been labeled dangerous requires a significant police presence.

It is reasonable to hire 10,000 police officers yearly. We have the choice to raise the number.

It takes consistency to fight crime.

Criminals are not supposed to be smarter than law enforcement.

If a place or area has a reputation for being notorious, the government should deploy police officers there permanently to deter or combat crime.

Most of the time, however, this is not the case.

Arrest Auxillary now and his sponsors.

  These are ammunition found in the apartments of park management system boss. The questions begging for answer is that, how were they able ...