Sunday, February 28, 2021

Leave Sheik Gummi alone

Sheik Gunmi good intentions has been misrepresented in many quarters.

For sometime now, he has been dialoging with bandits in order to ensure their captives are set free. 

As far as I am concern, it is a commendable role and the Sheik deserve thumb up not castigations 

Which one is better? To negotiate and set innocent children free or to allow them to die for nothing.

If government are on top of their game, we would not need Gunmis intervention, but it is rather unfortunate that we are where we are. 

No one should blame Gunmi, rather he should be praised rather than being castigated. 

Small Appliances

Friday, February 26, 2021

Presidency talk tough on banditry.

Mr President is talking tough. Bandits have taken over the country.

People can no longer sleep with their two eyes close. Cost of foods is skyrocketing as farmers are too afraid to go to their farm.

If application of maximum force would solve the problem, government should not hesitate to bring these bunch of criminals to their kneels.

Click and download

Enough is enough, it is high time government lived up to their responsibility of protecting lives and properties.

Abduction of school children both in Niger and Zamfara is unacceptable. Poor children are now paying huge price for leadership failure. 

If government fail to provide lasting solution to Insecurity, then we would be sink as a nation. 
Deal of the day

Arrest Auxillary now and his sponsors.

  These are ammunition found in the apartments of park management system boss. The questions begging for answer is that, how were they able ...